C V Hassan Fouad Eltayeb English

 Alexandria Hassan Fouad Tayeb
Born in the city of Alexandria / 17/02/1961 After a high school I joined the study in London / 1985 to 1987 Westminster College
*** Then joined Cairo University to study law Bachelor of Law ...
*** Study dive and record of the World Federation for system / CMAS Nitrox / PADI dive instructors sports Dive instructor
*** In the Human Rights Association "UNRWA" member and registered with the United Nations.
*** Member of the Syndicate members of the press, printing and the media.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of maritime rescue and protection of the environment/NGO
Chairman of the Regional Federation of the Red Sea Environment
Attend workshops in Egypt and abroad
Married and have a  children
Languages: -
1 - Arabic.
2 - English.
E-Mail: - vipdiving@yahoo.com
Telephone: -

00201113132156 ///00201223132156 ///


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

ماهو الفرق بين الغوص ‏التشبعى‬ والغوص ‫‏الغير‬ ‫‏تشبعى‬ ؟ حسن فؤاد الطيب