جمعية الانقاذ البحرى وحماية البيئة وتدريب ابطال عرب للحصول على جينس فى الغوص

Initial proposal for the attempt to set a Guinness World Record for the longest saltwater scuba dive.

The following proposal is submitted by The Rescue and Environmental Protection Association in Egypt represented by Hussein Demerdesh and Splash Red Sea represented by Sharon el Shoura and Mohannad Hussein.  Professional CV’s are attached for the management team.
This proposal covers all the requirements for yourself Nawaf Ahmed El Ansary to attempt to set the Guinness World Record for the Longest Saltwater Scuba dive.

The following are the main points which as a professional team will provide and ensure that you have every chance to succeed in this challenge.

1.       WET TEAM - The wet team will consist of 22 support divers, all of whom will be expected to commit to the training schedule prior to the event.  The support divers will be consisting of divers from Egypt and Kuwait and will be selected and trained by the management team   The wet team will be trained on location in Egypt and on location for the event in Kuwait with yourself by our training team.

2.       DRY TEAM – This team will consist of a medical doctor, with experience in Hyperbaric chambers and is also a professional diver.  There will also be a Yoga coach, with a Physiotherapist, we will also provide a nutritionist, who will be responsible for your food and drink intake prior to and during the event.  Also in the dry team will be a surface support team, including a communications team and camera and lighting team with a professional  photographer and a technical team responsible for the equipment prior to and during the event.

3.       EQUIPMENT – Equipment requirements will include, dry suit for yourself, including training, and also a heating system to reduce the risk factor of Hypothermia during the event.  Also required will be full face masks, and underwater communication also including the training for use, tanks including nitrox and gases, slates, torches, underwater cameras and lighting and maintenance equipment.

4.       MARKETING, MEDIA AND SPONSORSHIP – You will be providing media coverage and sponsorship from Kuwait, and we will provide international media coverage of the event.

5.       GUINNESS WORLD RECORD –  You are required to submit your application to complete this event as soon as possible in order that the necessary paperwork can be provided by us for the training to take place in Egypt, and for the event to take place in Kuwait.

6.       ACCOMODATION AND FOOD AND BEVERAGE – We will recommend the location and requirements for the team during the training and the event.  The requirements for the team in Kuwait will be provided by yourself.

7.       UNDERWATER LOCATION – This will be determined by the management team following Health and Safety Risk assessments based on requirements by the whole team and yourself to successfully complete the event.  We will look at the requirements for the equipment, ie lighting and cameras and potentially surface supply kits for the support divers.  We may also need to consider constructing a platform or anchorage depending on the final location and this will be provided by yourself for the event in Kuwait.

8.       HEALTH AND SAFETY -    A site safety risk assessment will be completed prior to training on location and the event to ensure the safety of yourself and the support teams both wet and dry.  Medical assessments will be completed on yourself by our team of medical staff throughout the training period and during the event.

9.       PERMISSIONS AND VISA REQUIRMENTS – You will be required to arrange the visas for the Support team during the event in Kuwait.  We will be responsible in conjuction with The Ministry of Tourism and other Egyptian authorities to provide the necessary permissions to hold the full training program here in Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt. 

10.   TRANSPORT – We will provide the necessary transport required by all the teams for the training period, and during the event this will be your responsibility.
We as the management team will provide the professional team that will support the event and training, including media coverage.
All members of the team will be required to sign an agreement to attend the training programme and commit to the success of the event.
All decisions are made final by the management team.
We require from yourself, the Power of Attorney in order that we can start the preparations, and also that you apply as soon as possible to Guinness World Records that you wish to attempt this record and that the training will be held in Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt and the event itself will be held in Kuwait prior to the 25th and 26th February 2016.
It is essential therefore that the POA is completed as soon as possible and also the initial application to Guinness is completed as soon as possible in order to schedule the training and event.
We the management team will provide a full schedule of training and requirements on the signing and agreement of this proposal.

I, the undersigned agree to fulfill the requirements of this proposal on signing by the participant Nawaf Ahmed El Ansary .

Hussein Demerdesh

Sharon El Shoura

Mohannad Hussein

I Nawaf Ahmed El Ansary  agree to fulfill the commitment required to complete the event and agree to be supported by the above management team throughout the training and event.
I will also provide a list of sponsorship provided by myself.

Nawaf Ahmed El Ansary


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

ماهو الفرق بين الغوص ‏التشبعى‬ والغوص ‫‏الغير‬ ‫‏تشبعى‬ ؟ حسن فؤاد الطيب